Saturday, June 21, 2008

Seriously with the bees!

So the marathon day is near the end as Traci went to her cousin's bridal shower and I took the girls to two birthday parties.

The first one was rough as both (yes, BOTH!) girls stepped on bees, about 30 minutes apart or so. Sky stepped on one first, about 5 minutes after the first bee-sting casualty of the three that happened, on her left pinky toe. She cried but didn't totally freak out, which kind of surprised me since this was her first sting. Fortunately we discovered she is not allergic to them. After about 20 minutes of off and on ice, she was ready to play again and was much more cautious about wearing shoes on the grass.

Then came Courtney's third bee sting experience in her 4+ years of life (all of which she has stepped on). Again, she didn't totally freak out like she did the first two times (maybe she's getting used to it now?), but she did certainly cry quite a bit. Her stinger went in the ball of her foot. (On a somewhat twisted note, it was a little interesting to see the bee guts/intestines/whatever the poison sack on the top end of the stinger is attached to in the bee.) She took a little longer to recover than Sky, but that's not surprising considering their different personalities. After some ice and a band-aid, she was ok. Both were given Benadryl as a precaution before bed. So it should be a good night for all!

Eventually we left the party and went to pick up my parents for the second party, which was in Corona. And when we pulled up, the car thermometer was reading 111! (Side note: the high in Whittier yesterday was 102.) What's up with that?!?!?! Anyway, it was a fun party and it was made more interesting by the strong winds that flipped and EZ up, as well as a table with chairs and umbrella. The girls had a ton of fun. And thank goodness for sunscreen as they went swimming at both parties, very appropriate for the weather.

I also heard from a second friend today that can't go with me to the Dodger game on Wednesday. I had to buy the tickets when I saw they were field level between 1st base dugout and right field foul pole in row C and only cost $25 (plus service fee...freakin' Ticketmaster). So I have a few more options to explore before I wind up going by myself, which I will do if need be.

Anyway, I need a shower. It was really hot today and I was sweaty and had sunscreen. Definitely not the way I want to go to bed tonight.

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