Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Frustration, Anxiety and Patience, Oh My!

Work is as interesting as it has ever been right now.  As you may or may not know, Chevron is downsizing.  Well, the Global Downstream part of Chevron is downsizing.  There are 8 stages to it.  They refer to it as ROM (Resource Optimization Management).  You know, one of those big fancy corporate terms that sounds better than downsizing. 

This week is the beginning of ROM7, or the seventh round of ROM, and it happens to be the round I am in.  Here's how it works.  At the beginning of the week, they post all of the positions worldwide that are included in this round.  In this case, that number is 1,431, of which 273 were in the US, about 20-25 in Southern California, and about 8 in El Segundo (all our department...lucky me).  We each choose 5 positions we would like to apply for and then meet with our manager to discuss which four he would like to nominate us for and then one choice we nominate ourselves for.

On Monday, I reviewed the positions available and put in for three procurement positions (within my department) and two in Brea that I think I could do well.  Next week, nothing happens.  The week after that, all managers who oversee the position affected in this round meet in HQ in San Ramon and discuss/debate who should be placed in what position.  The following week, we are told what position we have or that we have been "left standing" as they put it.  So at this point in time, I basically have to wait for at least two weeks to find out my fate.

However, in wanting to head this off and not go through this whole process, I have applied for five other positions with Chevron, but in the Global Upstream part of the business (and not in Procurement).  Four of the five positions have closed (no longer accepting applicants) and one closes on Monday.  At this point, the four that are closed are in the process of determining who they want to interview and who they want to issue the "Thank you, but no thank you" e-mails to.  I haven't received any e-mails yet, so that's a good thing, but I haven't received an invitation for an interview yet either.  Being in holding position as I am now with these five, as well as the other five, is not very comfortable.

Here's how I see it.  I am at a 3-way fork in the road.  One direction keeps me going straight ahead with a very similar position to what I have now, one represents the unknown, and one represents BIG changes.  The worst part of being at this 3-way fork is that I don't have much control over it.  I'll be happy as long as I am not sent down the unknown road.  That road is like the road that fades off into the fog: you know it's there, but you have no idea where it will take you.

So, that's where I'm at...very on-edge about work.  I guess for now all I can do is keep doing the job I have, and pray.  After all, I know God  has a plan for me.  I just wish I knew what it was.

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