Sunday, December 23, 2007

The Risky Gift

I finally went out tonight and got a gift for my grandma after talking with my wife and my mom, getting their opinion on the idea. I've felt almost a conviction to get "The Purpose-Driven Life" for her. She's 93 years old and everything I know and have learned from my mom about her indicate that she is not a Christian, which saddens me. I like to think that maybe God put me here to bring her to Him.

I am a little worried about how she will respond to it, so I have prayed about it, hoping that God will allow her to accept it and be open to what the book has to say. I just hope she doesn't get angry that we chose to give her the book. But, if she does, I will deal with it. I will love her no matter what happens.

Then, again, I tend to look at the negative side of things often. Maybe there will be no reaction (or action), or maybe, just maybe, she will actually read the book. Once I give it to her, it's up to God to do the rest. Although it may help if I actually read the book all the way through.

Our church did the 40 days of purpose thing a few years ago and I read some of the book. I generally don't like to read, but I think in this case I should read it just in case my grandma calls with questions or wants to talk about it. (I don't see this as very likely, but it's one of those scenarios I need to be prepared for.) And in addition to not liking to read, I am currently reading another book that I am leading our Sunday School class through at church through the end of January. Then, also in January, I begin reading another book for a spiritual formation (2-year) class/program at my church with our new Pastor of Spiritual Formation, Sherry Mortenson. All this reading and I'm not even in school (thank goodness...I feel sooooooo done with that)!

Anyway, if you pray, I would appreciate prayer for my grandma and that she will be open to her gift from us this Christmas. I love her and want the best for her, especially as she grows older. Who knows how long God plans on keeping her around for, but I would like to try to make a difference in her life before it's too late.


Anonymous said...

That's awesome! I'd like to think that Grandma is still around because God still has big plans for her to be saved and know him personally. Who knows, perhaps this is just what she needs. :)

Anonymous said...

I think it’s what God wanted us to do. Especially since we were thinking of just getting her a framed picture instead and then on the radio John Tesh starts talking about this book and how it’s the best gift you could give someone. I really think God was urging us to give it to her. It’s up to her what to do with it. I don’t think she had any idea what kind of book it was when she was looking at it. And she did say she would read it. Maybe we could ask her a little down the road if she read it yet and see what she says.