Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Crazy Life

As I sit here at home, with a queasy stomach, while I should be at work, I realize how quickly life can get so crazy. Yesterday was my first day back at work after the cruise and things got crazy quickly. Of course that doesn't count the massive amounts of voice mails and e-mails that stacked up while I was gone.

So I start chipping away at it and my neighbor in the cube behind me (to my back) gets a call. From what I could catch with a quick conversation after he got off the phone, it sounded like his dad passed away. My heart sank for him as he took off to go be with his family.

Then in a phone call with one of my co-workers/teammates in San Ramon, I find out that one of our Leads (we have two Leads, plus me the Analyst and a "temporary help" guy filling in while we wait to find a new manager) is out indefinitely due to health issues. I suspect it is a second round of cancer as he apparently went through chemo last fall. (I can only assume this because I haven't directly asked him for details and he lost his hair.) I have to admit that if that is the case, the timing of his battle coincides almost exactly with another friend who is also battling a second round of chemo currently.

Add to that a couple of other things going on (changes with our Sunday School class, my mom's surgery today and general life things) and I just feel overwhelmed. I know God's in control and that He won't give me more than I can handle, but sometimes I just wonder what my limit is. I know these things will pass and some are more worrisome than others, and that with God all things are possible, but it just seems like so much.

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