Sunday, November 2, 2008

Car Accident, All OK

We had a scary moment yesterday after we left for Courtney's audition. We were on Lambert and had just gotten through the intersection at Colima. All of a sudden the car in front of us is stopping so we hit the brakes hard. (Keep in mind, we had a 15 minute downpour about 15 minutes before this. Also, it turns out everybody was stopping because there was a cop with sirens on heading the other way, east, on Colima.) Fortunately, we stopped before hitting the car in the front of us. Once we stopped, I looked in the rear view mirror (as I have made a habit whenever I stop hard) and saw the car behind us rapidly approaching. It looked like it lunged forward, like when you hit the brakes hard, but it wound up hitting us.

When we pulled over to talk he said he hit the brakes, but just slid after that. It was pretty amazing to see that there was really no damage to either car. He lost some paint from his bumper and bent his license plate frame a little, but that's all on his car. As for our car, just a couple of indents in the bumper from the screws of his license plate, and some of his paint had stuck but it wiped off with a light touch. Pretty amazing to us because the impact sounded like there should have been some visible damage.

In terms of injuries, there doesn't appear to be anything too serious. I'm fine, Courtney and Skyler are fine, but Traci is at the doctor's office right now since her neck is a little sore and stiff. I just hope her injury isn't too serious and that this doesn't get too complicated with insurance, but at least we have it.

I haven't read Traci's entry on her blog about this, but I'm sure she went into much more detail. (That's one of the big differences between us when retelling stories/experiences.) I'll provide an update when I have one.

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