If any of you have sent me forwarded e-mails of various kinds, there's a decent chance you have received a response from me to the effect of "check out snopes.com and you'll see it's not true." Well, being the skeptical person that I am, I have fun perusing snopes just for fun. And holy crap did I find something that even freaks me out.
Now I need to tell you that it's hard to tell whether or not this is real. Looking at the picture, I think it's fake. Reading the article, I think it's real. The fact that a second instance of this was also documented (there is a link is in the article above, or you can see it here, and this picture looks more real) makes me think it's real. So that's 2-1 in favor of real. I'll let you be the judge. Snopes.com does say this is in the area (Daily Snopes) where I found it: "Stories are chosen for inclusion here purely on the basis of their appeal to our readers; we make no claims about the reliability of information linked from this page." However, I'll leave you with this thought under the assumption that it is true...thank goodness we don't live in Australia!!!!!!!
Had one of those things about three inches form my head in Singapore once. Still not as cool as the Brazilian wandering spider (Not only deadly poisonous but aggressive!) but exciting none the less!
Holy CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I second the whole not living in Austrailia thing!!!
Great photo.
We (Allie and the Newmans) had those spiders all around our home in Singapore. (They aren't wandering hunters nor dangerous to humans) We had one right outside the back-door we named "Charlotte." We used to watch it all the time. (We didn't have TV!)
It made the most beautiful golden webs, but the rest of the time it just stayed put. I guess it would have been able to eat a very small bird (like the "hapless" finch) had one somehow flown into its web. I only ever saw it eat insects.
Ok, you saw my first reaction to this in person. Ewww! This freakin creeps me out. That is one HUGE spider.
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